The original method of fitness: 10,000 steps, 10,000 years ago

As modern humans, we often look to the past for inspiration and guidance. One area where ancient humans can serve as an inspiration is in terms of physical health and fitness. Studies have shown that ancient humans were generally much healthier and more physically fit than modern humans, and this has led many to wonder how we can replicate their health in the modern world.

One of the key ways to replicate the health of ancient humans is to adopt a diet that is similar to the one they ate. Ancient humans ate a diet that was rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and lean meats, and very low in processed foods. By following this type of diet, modern humans can provide their bodies with all the nutrients they need to maintain good health and vitality.

Another important aspect is to increase physical activity levels. Ancient humans were incredibly active, engaging in activities such as hunting, gathering, and farming. This type of activity helped to keep their bodies in top physical condition and helped to prevent modern diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. To replicate the health of ancient humans, modern humans should aim to engage in regular physical activity, whether it be through exercise, sports, or simply going for a walk or a run.

A third aspect is to improve posture. Ancient humans had a better posture than modern humans, as their way of life required a lot of walking, running and carrying of heavy loads, which helped to keep their spine in a more natural and healthy position. To replicate the health of ancient humans, modern humans should aim to improve their posture, by taking regular breaks from sitting, stretching, and doing exercises that target the muscles in the lower back.

Another important aspect is reducing stress levels. Ancient humans were less likely to suffer from stress, depression, and other mental health issues that are common in modern society. This is because they were physically active and had a healthy diet which had a positive impact on their mental health. To replicate the health of ancient humans, modern humans should aim to reduce stress levels by engaging in activities such as meditation, yoga, or simply spending time in nature.

Replicating the health of ancient humans requires a holistic approach. It involves adopting a diet similar to the one they ate, increasing physical activity levels, improving posture, and reducing stress levels. By following these steps, modern humans can improve their physical and mental health, and live a healthier, more fulfilling life.

About 10,000 years ago, human populations were primarily hunter-gatherers. This means that they relied on hunting wild animals and gathering wild plants for their food. The way of life of hunter-gatherers was physically demanding and required a significant amount of physical activity.

Hunter-gatherers were constantly on the move, following herds of animals, or searching for food and water. They would walk, run, and climb to reach their hunting and gathering sites. The men, in particular, were often required to engage in physically demanding activities such as hunting large animals, which required running, stalking, and tracking over long distances, and carrying heavy loads.

Hunter-gatherers also had to be skilled at many activities such as making tools, building shelters, and making clothing. These activities required physical dexterity and the use of fine motor skills. This type of work helped to keep the body active and maintain a high level of physical fitness.

Hunter-gatherers also had to be adaptable and able to survive in a wide range of environments, from the frozen tundra of the Arctic to the scorching deserts of Africa. This required a high level of physical fitness and resilience, as they had to be able to walk, run, swim, and climb in a variety of conditions.

In addition, hunter-gatherers were not sedentary, they didn't spend most of the day sitting, they were always active, moving from one place to another, carrying their belongings with them.

It's worth noting that the physical activity of hunter-gatherers varied depending on the environment they lived in, the season, and the availability of food. In some cases, they would have to engage in more intense physical activity, such as running after an animal for hunting or carrying heavy loads for long distances. In other cases, they would have to engage in less intense physical activity, such as gathering fruits and nuts.

In summary, about 10,000 years ago, ancient humans were extremely active, engaging in activities such as hunting, gathering, and farming. These activities helped to keep their bodies in top physical condition and required a significant amount of physical activity, including walking, running, swimming, and climbing, which helped to maintain a high level of physical fitness and adaptability. This type of activity helped them survive in a wide variety of environments and conditions.